5 Houston Plumbing Issues: A Guide for Homeowners

July 21, 2023

If you’re a homeowner in the Houston area, you probably already know that plumbing problems can be a pain. Whether it’s something as minor as a leaky faucet, or major issues like burst pipes and clogged drains, these issues can cause serious disruption to your home. Fortunately, there are solutions available and ways for homeowners to proactively address common plumbing issues. In this guide we’ll provide tips on how to tackle five of the most common plumbing problems in Houston.  So, keep reading if you want to get informed about preventing potential headaches down the road!

1. Clogged Drains

The humid climate and heavy rainfall in Houston often lead to a common plumbing issue: clogged drains.

Causes of Drain Blockages

Clogs in drains are a common plumbing problem that can cause frustration and inconvenience for homeowners. These blockages occur due to various reasons.  For example, the accumulation of hair, grease or food particles in the pipes. Some clogs may also form from small objects that are accidentally dropped down the drain.  For instance, toys or jewelry. It’s important to address clogs promptly since they can lead to slower drainage or complete blockage over time. In severe cases, clogs can also cause water backups and potential damage to the plumbing system. Understanding the reasons behind clogs can help prevent them from occurring and ensure smooth functioning of your plumbing.

Solutions for Clogged Drains

Clogged drains can be a frustrating experience for anyone. Luckily, there are many solutions available to help clear your drain and get things flowing smoothly again. For minor clogs, a simple plunger can often do the trick. Plumber’s augers are also handy tools to tackle more stubborn obstructions. If these methods don’t work, chemical cleaners such as bleach or vinegar may be necessary. However, always ensure adequate ventilation and protective gear when handling these powerful chemicals. It’s also important to be mindful of what you pour down your drains to prevent future clogs. If DIY solutions don’t seem to work, it’s best to call upon the professionals like Halo Plumbing to ensure effective results and save time in the long run.

2. Leaky Pipes

Leaky pipes are a prevalent issue in Houston, causing water damage and mold growth. The humid climate coupled with the city’s heavy rainfall can contribute to pipe corrosion over time.  Therefore, detecting leaks early is crucial for preventing extensive property damage. Regular inspection of your plumbing system allows you to spot signs of corrosion or leakage promptly.

Solutions for Leaky Pipes

Leaky pipes can be a major headache for homeowners, causing water damage and resulting in high water bills. Luckily, there are a variety of solutions available to address this issue. One of the most effective solutions often involves replacing the damaged section of the pipe or patching up holes using materials like epoxy putty or pipe repair tape. However, if these DIY methods don’t work, it might be necessary to call professional plumbers who have specialized tools and expertise that ensure proper leak repairs without further damaging your plumbing system.

Maintaining Your Plumbing System

  • Routinely check all visible pipes in basements, under sinks, and behind appliances for any sign of moisture or discoloration caused by leaking water.
  • Clean faucet aerators regularly as they tend to collect mineral deposits which could lead to blockages hence increasing pressure on your piping systems leading eventually into leaks.
  • Avoid pouring grease down drains because when it cools off inside drainpipes; this forms clogs that increase pressure within pipelines thereby making them susceptible towards developing leaks over time.

Hiring Professional Plumbers: An Investment Worth Making?

In cases where recurring issues persist despite multiple attempts at self-repair efforts, hiring professionals from reputable companies such as Halo Plumbing may prove more cost-effective long-term. These experts can fix existing problems.  However, they can also provide advice regarding preventive measures homeowners should take against future occurrences similar situations.

3. Low Water Pressure

If you’re a Houston homeowner or business owner, low water pressure can be a real inconvenience.  This plumbing issue is generally caused by blocked pipes, deteriorated valves, or ruptured seals in the system.

Identifying and Fixing Low Water Pressure Issues

If you’re experiencing low water pressure in your Houston home, it’s important to address the issue as soon as possible to prevent further damage. One of the first steps in identifying and fixing this problem involves inspecting your home’s pipes for blockages. Clogs or excess debris in your drain can dramatically reduce water flow and cause low water pressure. Professional plumbers have specialized tools that allow them to effectively identify any obstructions causing reduced flow of water through your pipes. In cases where corrosion on valves is responsible for decreased water pressure, replacement might be necessary. Therefore, a trained expert will know how to safely remove these parts without damaging other components of your plumbing system.

Tackling Broken Seals

Besides valve replacements and pipe inspections, dealing with broken seals also plays an integral role in restoring normal water pressure levels. Sealing materials like O-rings and gaskets play crucial roles in ensuring all connections are watertight hence maintaining optimal performance throughout the entire network.

Maintenance: The Key To Prevention

To prevent future occurrences of low-water-pressure issues, regular maintenance checks should become part of every property owner’s routine. For instance, looking out for signs such as slow draining sinks which could indicate potential problems before they escalate into full-blown crises.  Additionally, it’s advisable to ensure timely repairs whenever faults appear. By doing so, you significantly reduce chances experiencing disrupted services due sudden drops overall supply volumes.

4. Sewer Line Backups

Sewer line backups are another significant plumbing issue that Houston homeowners and business owners often face.  This problem typically arises when tree roots or other debris block the sewer lines, preventing wastewater from flowing freely through your home’s plumbing system.

How to Fix Sewer Line Backups

Sewer line backups can be a major inconvenience and cause serious damage to your home. When clogs occur, it is important to address the issue quickly before the situation worsens. One of the most effective solutions for sewer line backups is utilizing professional tools like a sewer auger. A sewer auger is a flexible cable with a cutting head that can be inserted into the drain to cut through obstructions in the pipe. It restores the proper flow of water and eliminates the need for costly and time-consuming excavation work. However, in more severe cases, hydro jetting services may be necessary. This method uses high-pressure water jets to thoroughly clear out stubborn blockages.

Maintaining Your Sewage Lines Regularly Can Prevent Backup Issues

To avoid encountering such problems in future, it’s crucial for property owners in Houston to schedule regular maintenance checks on their sewage lines.  Furthermore, an experienced plumber will be able identify potential issues early on during these inspections.  And, take necessary actions before they escalate into major complications.

5. Frozen Pipes

During the colder winter months in Houston, one common plumbing issue that often arises is frozen pipes. This issue typically occurs due to inadequate insulation around exposed piping systems outside of buildings or homes. When the temperature drops, the water in the pipes can freeze and expand, causing the pipes to crack or burst. This can lead to clogs or even a complete failure of the plumbing system, resulting in a costly repair. Homeowners can prevent this issue by ensuring proper insulation around their piping systems. Especially in areas where colder temperatures are common.

In case of a frozen pipe, it is important to turn off the water supply immediately and contact a professional plumber to avoid any further damage to the piping system. So, homeowners need to be aware of this plumbing issue and take necessary precautions to avoid the drain hassles or any significant financial setback that may arise due to frozen pipes in Houston.

The Solution for Frozen Pipes

If you are experiencing this problem, a professional plumber may be your best option.  However, if access to the frozen pipe is feasible, then hot water bottles or heating pads can be used to thaw it out.

Avoiding Future Pipe Freezing Issues

To prevent future occurrences of this troublesome situation during Houston’s chilly winters,

  • Ensure all exposed piping systems are properly insulated so that they do not freeze over again.
  • Schedule regular inspections by professional plumbers especially as winter approaches.


So, you’ve just tackled the most common 5 Houston plumbing issues.  You’re now equipped with knowledge on how to handle clogged drains and leaky pipes.  Low water pressure? You got this!  Sewer line backups and frozen pipes won’t catch you off guard anymore.  However, while DIY fixes can be helpful in minor situations, some problems require professional expertise.

If your home’s peace is disrupted by these or other plumbing issues… don’t worry! Halo Plumbing has got your back. We are a local company dedicated to solving all kinds of plumbing challenges in Houston homes. Visit our website today for expert assistance – we’ll ensure your home runs smoothly again in no time!