10 Signs Your Drainage System is Blocked

September 18, 2023

A properly functioning drainage system is crucial for the smooth operation of your Houston home. However, like any other part of your house, your drainage system can face issues over time.  And, one of the most common problems is blockages. Blocked drains can lead to a host of problems, from unpleasant odors to water damage. In this blog, we will discuss 10 signs that indicate your drainage system is blocked.  In addition, ways to prevent blockages, and the best solutions when this issue occurs, including the highly effective method of hydro-jetting.

10 Signs Your Drainage System is Blocked

1. Slow Draining Water  

Slow-draining water is often one of the earliest signs of a potential blockage in your plumbing system. When water takes longer than usual to drain from sinks, bathtubs, or showers, it’s a clear indicator that something is impeding the flow within the pipes. This phenomenon occurs because the blockage restricts the smooth passage of water.  Therefore, causing it to accumulate and move sluggishly through the affected drain. Typically, these blockages consist of a buildup of hair, soap scum, grease, or debris that accumulates over time. Ignoring this early warning sign can lead to more severe blockages, unpleasant odors, and even water damage.  

2. Unpleasant Odors

A foul odor emanating from your drains is an unpleasant sign that your plumbing system may be suffering from a blockage. Blocked drains, particularly those in kitchen sinks or garbage disposals, are prone to trapping food particles, debris, and organic matter. When these substances accumulate, they create an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria. These bacteria release foul-smelling gases as they break down the trapped materials.  Therefore, resulting in the unpleasant odor that permeates through your drains and into your home. Not only is this odor offensive, but it also indicates a hygiene concern and a potential plumbing issue that should not be ignored.

3. Gurgling Sounds

The presence of gurgling sounds when you flush the toilet or use a sink is a telltale auditory clue that something may be amiss within your plumbing system. These peculiar noises occur because trapped air is desperately attempting to escape from a blocked pipe. When there is an obstruction in the drainage system, the flow of water becomes impeded.  Therefore, causing air to become trapped within the pipes. As water attempts to force its way past the blockage, it displaces the trapped air, resulting in the gurgling sounds. These sounds are unusual.  However, they also signify that there is an issue affecting the proper flow of water in your plumbing. 

4. Water Backing Up

Water backing up into sinks, tubs, or toilets is perhaps the most alarming indication of a severe blockage within your plumbing system. This occurrence is a dire sign that the blockage has reached a critical point.  Therefore, preventing water from flowing freely through the affected drainpipes. When water cannot exit through the intended pathway, it seeks the path of least resistance.  As a result, leading to it surging back into your fixtures. This not only causes inconvenience but also poses a significant risk of water damage to your home. Water damage can affect your walls, floors, and even the structural integrity of your property.  Therefore, potentially resulting in costly repairs.

5. Multiple Clogged Fixtures

Experiencing blockages in multiple fixtures throughout your home is a clear indicator that the issue extends beyond a localized problem. Instead, it suggests a blockage within the main sewer line.  This is the primary conduit that carries wastewater away from your property and into the municipal sewer system. When a blockage occurs in the main sewer line, it affects the entire drainage system.  Therefore, causing backups in various fixtures as water struggles to find a pathway for proper discharge. Unlike blockages within individual drainpipes, a main sewer line blockage can result from a more substantial obstruction.  For instance, tree roots, sediment buildup, or even structural damage to the pipe itself.

6. Overflowing Toilet

When you encounter an overflowing toilet, it serves as a sign of a blockage within the toilet’s drainpipe. This happens because the blockage prevents water and waste from being flushed down the drain as intended.  Moreover, causing them to accumulate and build up within the toilet bowl. Consequently, when you flush, the water level rises rapidly and eventually overflows, potentially causing a mess.  And, in severe cases, damaging your bathroom flooring. Ignoring an overflowing toilet can lead to further complications.  For example, water damage and even structural issues if the excess water infiltrates the subfloor and walls.

7. Puddles In The Yard

The presence of puddles of water in your yard or near your house’s foundation can be an indication of a blocked underground drainage pipe. When these pipes become obstructed, they can no longer efficiently channel rainwater away from your property. As a result, water begins to accumulate in the soil.  Therefore, leading to the formation of puddles on the surface. Over time, this excess moisture can pose a significant threat to the structural integrity of your home. It can seep into your foundation.  Therefore, causing erosion and weakening the foundation’s stability. In severe cases, it may lead to foundation cracks and structural damage, which can be expensive to repair.

8. Fruit Flies or Insects

The sudden presence of fruit flies or insects hovering near your drains is a strong indicator of a problem within your plumbing system. These pests are attracted to decomposing organic matter.  For instance, food particles and residue, which can accumulate in your pipes when there’s a blockage impeding the flow of water. When water can’t efficiently carry away this organic material, it begins to break down and decay inside the pipes.  As a result, creating a breeding ground for insects like fruit flies. These insects can enter your home through the drains and quickly multiply, creating an infestation.

9. Frequent Toilet Clogs

Frequent use of a plunger is a clear indicator that there is a persistent blockage lurking within the toilet’s drainpipe. While occasional toilet clogs can be attributed to various factors, such as excessive toilet paper usage or improper flushing habits, a pattern of frequent blockages suggests a more systemic issue. These clogs often occur due to a buildup of debris, mineral deposits, or even non-flushable items within the drainpipe. As these materials accumulate over time, they restrict the smooth flow of water and waste.  Therefore, leading to repeated blockages. Relying solely on a plunger to resolve the issue may provide temporary relief.  However, it does not address the root cause.

10. High Water Bills

An unexpected increase in your water bills can be a subtle indicator of a blockage within your plumbing system. When water can’t flow freely through the pipes due to a blockage, it forces you to use more water than usual to complete everyday tasks. For instance, you might find yourself running the tap longer to fill a sink or taking longer showers to ensure drainage. These small adjustments can add up to an increase in your water consumption over time.  As a result, reflecting in higher water bills.

How to Prevent Drainage System Blockages

Preventing drainage system blockages is essential to avoid the hassle and expense of dealing with clogs. Here are some effective preventive measures:

Dispose of Grease Properly

Avoid pouring cooking grease down the drain. Instead, let it cool and solidify, then dispose of it in the trash.

Use Drain Screens

Install drain screens or strainers in sinks and showers to catch hair, soap scum, and debris before they enter the drain.

Regular Maintenance

Schedule routine drain maintenance to remove minor blockages before they become major problems. This can include snaking the drains or using enzymatic drain cleaners.

Dispose of Food Wisely 

Scrape food scraps into the trash or compost bin rather than washing them down the sink. Use a sink disposal unit sparingly.

Flush with Hot Water

Occasionally flush your drains with hot water to help break down grease and soap buildup.

Proper Toilet Use

Only flush toilet paper and human waste down the toilet. Avoid flushing items like wipes, sanitary products, or cotton balls.

Tree Root Inspection

If you have trees near your drainage pipes, periodically inspect and trim the roots to prevent intrusion into the pipes.

Educate Household Members

Teach everyone in your household about proper drain usage to ensure everyone is on the same page regarding what can and cannot be disposed of in the drains.

Solutions for Blocked Drainage Systems

When you encounter a blocked drainage system, it’s crucial to address the issue promptly. Here are some effective solutions to consider:


Plungers are indispensable tools for homeowners when it comes to dealing with minor blockages in sinks, tubs, and toilets. They operate on the principle of creating suction and pressure to dislodge clogs. However, it’s crucial to use the appropriate type of plunger for the specific fixture you’re trying to unclog. A flat-bottomed or cup plunger is ideal for sinks and tubs, as it provides a tight seal around flat surfaces. In contrast, a flange plunger is better suited for toilets, as it can form a seal within the curved drainpipe.

When using a plunger, it’s essential to maintain a firm up-and-down motion to create the pressure to dislodge the blockage. While plungers are highly effective for minor clogs, more severe blockages may require professional intervention. Or, alternative methods like drain snakes or hydro-jetting to ensure complete clearance of the obstruction.

Chemical Drain Cleaners

Chemical drain cleaners can indeed be effective tools for breaking down clogs and restoring proper drainage.  These cleaners typically contain powerful chemicals that can dissolve organic and inorganic materials causing blockages. However, it’s crucial to use them with caution and care. Some chemical drain cleaners can be harmful to both your plumbing pipes and the environment.

When using these products, it’s essential to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.  For instance, wearing appropriate protective gear such as gloves and safety goggles. Additionally, ensure proper ventilation in the area, as fumes from these chemicals can be irritating and harmful when inhaled. Moreover, it’s advisable to use chemical drain cleaners as a last resort, as these chemicals can damage older or fragile pipes over time.

Manual Drain Snaking

A drain snake or auger is an invaluable tool in the world of plumbing.  They are specifically designed to tackle challenging clogs within pipes. This manual tool consists of a long, flexible metal cable with a coiled end that can navigate through the twists and turns of drainpipes. When inserted into a clogged drain, the snake can physically break through the blockage, whether it’s caused by debris, hair, grease, or other materials. Drain snakes are particularly effective in cases where plunging or chemical cleaners prove insufficient, as they provide a more targeted and forceful approach to clearing the obstruction.

Professional Drain Cleaning

When faced with a stubborn blockage that you cannot clear on your own, it is highly advisable to enlist the services of a company like Halo Plumbing in Houston for drain cleaning. Plumbers possess the expertise and experience necessary to diagnose and resolve complex drainage issues effectively. They are equipped with specialized tools that are often not available to the average homeowner.  Therefore, enabling them to safely tackle even the most challenging blockages.

Whether it’s utilizing high-pressure water jetting systems, advanced drain cameras, or drain snakes with various attachments, professional plumbers have access to a wide range of solutions. Moreover, they understand plumbing systems and can identify underlying issues that may be contributing to recurrent blockages. By entrusting the job to a qualified plumber, you ensure the clearance of the blockage.  In addition, receive expert advice on how to prevent future plumbing problems and maintain a smoothly flowing drainage system.

The Power of Hydro-Jetting

Hydro-jetting stands as one of the most efficient methods for clearing blockages in drainage systems. This advanced technique harnesses the power of high-pressure water jets to eliminate obstructions within pipes. Hydro-jetting operates by propelling pressurized water, often at pressures reaching up to 4,000 PSI, into the affected drainpipes. The force of the water is so intense that it can break apart and dislodge even the most stubborn blockages.  For example, tree roots, mineral deposits, grease, and debris. Notably, hydro-jetting clears the immediate drainage system blockage.  Additionally, it cleans the entire inner surface of the pipes.  As a result, effectively eradicating any accumulated buildup and residue.


A blocked drainage system can be a major inconvenience and potentially lead to costly repairs if not addressed promptly. By being aware of the signs of blockages and taking preventive measures, you can reduce the likelihood of drainage issues in your home. If a blockage does occur, there are several effective solutions, with hydro-jetting standing out as a powerful and efficient method. Remember that regular maintenance and responsible drain use are key to keeping your drainage system functioning smoothly and avoiding future blockages.  Be sure to contact us at Halo Plumbing Services if you need assistance with your blocked or clogged drainage system in Houston.